
Municipal cooperation for sustainable land use in the region of Northern Black Forest


The region of Northern Black Forest is very heterogeneous in the development of its municipalities. High settlement pressure along the federal motorways contrasts with a trend towards out-migration in less well-connected parts of the region. In some cases, there are conflicts between the municipalities. This is where the “KoOpRegioN" project joins in.

Goals and approach

The project aims to show how urban and rural communities may benefit from cooperation and improvement in sustainable land use. The aim is to jointly develop a strategy at regional level that combines the following three levels of action in a practical way: land management, sustainability and intermunicipal cooperation. Therefore, opportunities for actions are to be developed by analyzing actor and conflict constellations, identifying obstacles and action needs, developing sustainability indicator sets and applying participatory methods.

Expected results and transfer

The results will be processed in a guideline, which will include practical policy clusters, recommendations on process methodology, sustainability indicator sets and decision support tools. The results should enable decision-makers to compare options for intermunicipal cooperation and related sustainability effects and translate them into joint market and location strategies. It is planned to continue the project with a pilot project.

Project Lead / Contact

Dr. Matthias Proske
Regionalverband Nordschwarzwald
Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Str. 29-31
75172 Pforzheim
Telephone: +49 7231 14784 0
Email: sekretariat@rvnsw.de

KoOpRegioN: urban agglomeration around the city of Pforzheim © rvnsw
KoOpRegioN: urban agglomeration around the city of Pforzheim © rvnsw

Project Profile

Funding Measure:

Project Cluster:
Integrated Urban Development

Project Title:
KoOpRegioN - Municipal cooperation for sustainable land use in the region of Northern Black Forest

01.02.2020 – 31.01.2023

Project Number:

Funding Amount:
1.214.265 €

- European Institute for Energy Research
- The Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS), University Stuttgart
- Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at the Karlsruhe Instituts of Technology
- Market and Organisation Research Würzburg
- City of Pforzheim
- IHK - Chamber of Commerce and Industry Northern Black Forest
- Regional Economic Development Agency

Website: http://www.nordschwarzwald-region.de/projekte-veranstaltungen/koopregion/

June 2020